Product Details
- FAV Detox Bar: It helps you get rid of edema with the bromelin, mate and green tea it contains. The body maintains the passage of water. Ingredients:Date, Chickpea Flour, Brazil Nut, Aroma Tropical, Cranberry, Bromeline, Green Tea, Mate.
- FAV Ready Bar: The carnitine it contains is a preliminary preparation for people who do intense exercise and increase your physical activity with Q10. Ingredients:Date, Chickpea Flour, Peanut, Grape, Chocolate Chip, Aroma Caramel.
- FAV Boosted Bar: With the caffeine, ginseng and green tea extract it contains, it accelerates your metabolism and helps to burn fat. Ingredients:Date, Chickpea Flour, Almond, Grape, Aroma Caramel, 30 mg Carnitine + 30 mg Ginseng + Green Tea.